Logo Deskman Classic - User Guide
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Configure important Deskman settings, separated into different tabs.


Use a strong password. We recommend using a brand new password, not used anywhere else, that only administrators know. Do not share the password.
In case you forget it, contact tech support and we will help you recover access to Deskman.

The password will be required to open Deskman when hidden. If Deskman is not elevated you'll be required to elevate, following Windows security standards.



Maintenance mode is designed to allow administrators to perform maintenance tasks easier, access tightly protected computers when needed, and to allow users to remove restrictions without having direct access to Deskman.

Note that persistent restrictions will still affect all users, even under maintenance.


Click the Open User Accounts button and follow the instructions to activate autologon. Autologon must be configured manually. Domain-based accounts might not work with autologon.


Applications and websites can be set up to be executed automatically at startup in the Autorun tab.


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